So this will be a long read (surprise) because if I try to break this up into a multitude of posts it won’t happen and I will be on to something else before I get halfway through. Life is just like that, my last post is proof. I am adding headings for those who like those things and there will be pictures, of course. But it is still loooooong.
I, like many, have been bombarded with so much in the last month that it has been hard to keep up. Aside from being sick for over a week of it, I have been alternating between feeling helpless and choosing to NOT feel helpless. I know I can’t deal with everything but if I just stay in my lane with things I have already been doing, I can stay true to myself and have an impact where I can.
Know Your Rights
Working in education for almost 30 years now, I am no stranger to effects that performative immigration emphasis (AKA raids) have on schools, families and children. I remember working in Head Start during Bush Jr.’s administration when we had families (and children) just disappear and not come back to class. We could assume they moved out of the area but would never have actual confirmation.
Now in a third wave (that I can remember), we are again seeing families afraid leave their apartments to get groceries or send their kids to school. Not because they are criminals but because the administration, media and some in the community want them to believe they are. Knowing these families and their stories, the horrors they left to provide a better life for their children, it breaks my heart every time.
So, the last month we have been making sure all our families know their rights when it comes to such things and I have attended a few community meetings to learn what agencies are doing in our community to provide support. Knowledge is power.
Trail Work
If you have been following me for awhile, you know I have done trail work with both the Pacific Crest Trail Association and Washington Trails Association. I am currently taking a break from the PCTA for a variety of reasons but have committed myself to work parties with WTA for the last few years. At the beginning of January I looked at their volunteer schedule I noticed there was a series of work parties here in Everett where I live and more specifically in the community I work in and my students and families live in. Perfect!
You wouldn’t know it at the trailhead but the neighborhood makes the news often and not in a good way. If you live and work here, though, you know there is a strong community. Despite the freezing temperatures, we got out and helped rough in a reroute of the trail so it would avoid protected wetlands. It was a large crew so while I was helping with that (cutting downed trees, digging up soil) there were others helping put decking on a large boardwalk.
And the funniest thing was that near the end of the day while talking with the crew lead, I realized that the person from the City of Everett that was coordinating with WTA on this project was my next door neighbor, Kat. Small world!
Randomness That Makes You Go Hmmmm
I was heading to the gym in the frozen hours of the morning and pulling into the parking lot I spotted evidence of someone who had taken matters into their own hands. Don’t be afraid to make a difference (and spare an alignment), I say.
A Sunny Bike Ride and 100 miles
I had set a goal to ride 100 miles in January, mostly because Gary had also made such a goal and well, competition. Most of my miles were via my commute to and from work but it came to the end of the month and I wouldn’t have enough with just that so I hopped on my bike and rode over the Snohomish in a 20+ mile loop around the Snohomish River. This helped me get within 7 miles of my goal so the last week was an easy sail across the finish line. In case you are wondering, Gary rode 49 miles in January.

Morning Glory Muffins
I have started a separate post for these but I really didn’t do much to the recipe from its original source so I think I might just leave it here for you to enjoy. This recipe comes from The Roasted Root, a blog filled with many great recipes. Her Paleo Morning Glory Cookies recipe was just what I was looking for with ingredients I already had on hand!
“Morning Glory” baked goods seem to be a staple for so many bakeries, it seems that if most of their offerings are filled with gluten they will still have one lonely “Morning Glory” muffin available to appease those averse to gluten. The morning glory muffin was invented in 1978 in Nantucket and I guess lends itself well to a gluten free version? Epicurious even says it is a “hippie breakfast maximalism”.
A mix between carrot cake, coffee cake, and an oatmeal raisin cookie, I like to think of it as a clean-out-the-fridge kind of creation like my Get Lucky: Basil Sausage Egg Muffins. Got an apple? Check. A carrot? Check. Some almond butter? Check.
Ice Cream In January
Some of you know I help advise an afterschool club at the middle school I work at and it should be no surprise it is a Cooking and Eating Club. In true democratic fashion the kids vote for the recipes and of course being January, the majority voted for ice cream.
This was our first time making ice cream (if you don’t count when we made it with frozen bananas) and it was a ton of fun. I learned salty condensation will coat everything in a classroom and the process makes for some great science principle conversation. You can find the recipe here if you this summer treat calls to you in winter.
There are many things I miss about not having a classroom anymore (and many I don’t). Advising the kids after school gives me a little bit of that joy without the hassle of paperwork, if you know what I mean.
Down For The Count With A Nasty Virus
So between community meetings, trail work, and germy middle school, the end of January brought on a nasty virus that had me doing nothing more than sitting up in bed for exercise. Luckily it was the end of the week so I had the weekend and the next week saw two snow days so I only had to take 3 sick days. But I was basically out from work for January 30th to February 10th. Yikes.
Knit Stuff And Black History Month
An upside to having to stay home was that in between my many naps, I was able to finish up old and start some new knitting projects. This was good because I had so many things on the needles! Aside from just regular projects I find on my own, there are several knit-alongs I am participating in that put a little pressure on to make progress.
My friends over at Fiber Hustle (out of Bellevue) started a knit-along that was simply to knit something an actual knitting book. I began the Bright Axis Tee at the beginning of January and was able to get to the colorful yoke with yarn by my friend Laura at Always Be Kind Yarns. The yarn is called Otter Pop and she nailed those colors perfectly. I can’t wait to wear it this summer.
And Liz over at The Black Knitter has an annual Black History Month knit-along and this is my third year participating. She actually started this season back last summer with a Discord group but in February she is doing zooms and giveaways. The idea is to knit something from a Black designer, whether it be yarn, a pattern, stitch markers or a project bag. I am working on the Cohesive Shawl by Tami Gore with yarn by Chicken Coop Dyeworks out of Texas, I have had this pattern in my queue for several years now and I finally found a colorway I think does it justice.
I also finished my Doodler Shawl by Stephen West from a knit along that started at the beginning of December. It turned out better than I thought as I wasn’t so sure about the large cable but it came together nicely.
A Hot Cocoa Bomb
I just need to throw this in here because maybe you have had one of these things? You buy yourself a treat and then it sits in the cupboard for a special occasion and then it is several months later and you still haven’t enjoyed it? I bought this hot cocoa bomb during a local sip and shop thinking I would enjoy it during the holidays but alas, it was the beginning of February and it was still intact.
As soon as I started to feel better, I decided that was worth celebrating with chocolate and sugar so I did. If you live locally, Forever More Sweets is at the Everett Farmer’s Market!
The Beauty Of Snow Days
I had every intention of going to back to work midweek but then magically there was enough snow over night (twice) to give us two snow days. It isn’t my favorite thing because that means two more days at the end of the school year but since it was out of my control I just enjoyed the extra days to recover from being ill.
It won’t seem like a lot if you don’t live in the Pacific Northwest but the combination of ice and hills makes for a treacherous morning for school buses.
Got Some Reading In
I think I mentioned that I moved from Goodreads to StoryGraph and with it came some book reading challenges to motivate me to get through some existing books and start some new ones. I have finished two books this month, Demon Copperhead and In The Shadow Of The Mountain: A Memoir of Courage. Both were really good (and long). I need to chose some shorter, lighter books next.
There is also a StoryGraph Read The World Challenge 2025 so I picked up two books for Australia and the Philippines. Australia is Ten Steps to Nanette: A Memoir Situation and the Philippines is This Is Really War: The Incredible True Story of A Navy Nurse POW In The Occupied Philippines. I chose the first because it was one of the first books that came up on a search for Australia from the library and it looked funny (which it is). And second was also at the library and seemed interesting since my grandparents were POWs during that time, as well.
The first is going faster as it is on audio and the second is hardback but I only have one more renewal on it so it will be picking up speed here soon.
More Knitting
I am super in love with a colorwork sweater I am slowly working on. It is all non-superwash which I have not worked a lot with. It is the Gondola Sweater by Wool and Pine and I added one extra contrast color to the yoke. I originally only had the green and white and wanted one more but couldn’t decide between the green and brown so I just went with all of them. Does it give you a foresty feel?
Prepping For Whatever Is Coming
When the world seems unstable I tend to evaluate my stock of dehydrated foods and supplies so after doing so I decided I needed more pineapple. You never know when you might need to mix up a trail mix or some granola. Our rain barrels are set up and we are discussing what we will be growing in the backyard garden this summer.
Indivisible And 5 Calls
I joined my local Indivisible group a few years back and after a rally on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, it was time to actually go to a meeting. Luckily I was well enough to attend after signing up and it was interesting to learn more about the organization. There were a couple friends from church there, too, so I was in good company.
The aspect I was most interested in was learning about how to be more active at the legislative level. I go to the League Of Women Voters to learn more about bills and ways to advocate in my local state government but I want to up my game. I even downloaded the 5 Calls app so I could feel more comfortable calling my local representatives. If you know me, I HATE making phone calls like this. But I have privilege and I need to use it.
In the past I have gone to Olympia for things like Hiker Rally Day but it is time to take things beyond just the outdoors and be voice for other issues that are important to me. I think about all the women who came before me who fought for the rights I enjoy today, I have a responsibility to carry the torch.
Taco Time
I made it back to work and it was time for a new recipe in Cooking and Eating Club. Thankfully the kids had voted for something more appropriate for the weather, tacos! I mean, when can you NOT eat tacos??
My favorite parts were teaching one of them how to cut round things like this lime and an onion, neither he had done before.
And this one insisted that we have mango salsa and I assumed she had made it before but, no. Normally I go into each club meeting with a printed recipe but had decided we were going without for tacos. Because who doesn’t know how to make tacos? I had looked up a recipe for mango salsa and made sure I bought all the ingredients but told her she had to go from what her memory was of having had it before. She did fabulous, even diced up a jalapeño!
The kids worked together to make the different ingredients (they also had voted for these) and then went through the line knowing they had to leave enough that everyone got some.
A Swerve and a Hit
Just a few days after returning to work, I rode my bike in like I normally do. I had only been at work for an hour when Gary texted me that the neighbor texted him that someone had hit my car in front of our house. Ugh.
Both neighbors on either side of us have cameras and caught the whole thing on video. Basically someone was speeding down our street, a car rolled through a stop sign and hit them, they swerved and managed to go around my car without hitting it but then decided to back up in the street to go back to the other car and proceeded to hit me. Double ugh.
It is not horrible (unlike their two cars) but still distressing. I am still (10 days later) waiting for a police report so I can know who it was or if they even had insurance.
More Trail Work
I had signed up for a second work party on February 7th but rescheduled because I didn’t think I would be well enough so for Valentine’s Day I was back out helping at the same area as before. This time, however, it was with snow! I opted to help with the boardwalk this time, helping to put the rest of the decking on.
We managed to complete all the boards and the rails, too. It looked really nice and I hope the people who use it enjoy it over the random pallets that used to cover the mud and marsh. The project will be continuing into spring so I’m sure I will be back out here for more.
As I was sitting at my desk this last week, a ladybug started swirling around the light above me. What?!? It is the middle of February! My friend, Paty, says it means something good is coming. Oh, please let that be true.
Proud Mama And Pocket Bacon
I know I have shared several posts about my kiddo and his current love for snowboarding but here is another picture in case you missed it. This last weekend he went with a friend over the mountains to Mission Ridge in Wenatchee and 49 North outside Chewelah and I was so happy to see him getting outdoors in his own way.
He also shared that Mission Ridge has something called Pocket Bacon you can buy when you get your lift ticket so I told him to send me a picture. How cool is that?
What An Actual Downtown Seattle Rally Looks Like
On the 17th, there were multiple rallies in my area and rather than join the one in Everett I opted to get on the light rail and head in to Seattle for one of three in the downtown area. I am learning that it is important to do your homework and make sure you know what each rally is about and supporting. This one was at the Federal Building and was in support of our local federal workers who are losing their jobs in a haphazard and reckless manner. It was joined by a few other groups including 50501 and a few others local groups advocating for individual causes. And based on the many signs people were holding, there was no shortage of issues that they were passionate about.
The organizers spent most of the time allowing federal workers and others who support them to get up and share their stories. Folks from the EPA, postal service, forest service, and many others. I know that letting federal workers go is a part of many administrations, however, they do it over a period of time and follow US laws in doing so. That is not what is happening now.
The event was energizing and it was a diverse crowd with many families.
And because I have anxiety and an overactive imagination, at one point all I could focus on was this guy on a nearby roof. What exactly was he doing?? It turned out to be nothing, of course, but I took a picture just in case.
Just A Few Knitting Glamour Shots
I just need to toss in a few finished project pics, these feel like artwork! And they are helping me keep my sanity.
Calling In Versus Calling Out
There was an event at the Northwest African American Museum in Seattle that spoke to me so I went. The author of the book Calling In: How To Start Making Change With Those You Would Rather Cancel was speaking and I wanted to learn more. I am looking forward to reading the book that I got at the event and Loretta J. Ross had many thought provoking things to say.
She talked about focusing on what people do right, creating something that others want to join and the difference between revenge and justice. Her long history of advocacy and social justice work lent credence to her words and I will probably share more after I finish the book.
The museum sits on the same grounds as the Jimi Hendrix Park and that was cool too. My grandfather’s house is/was about 10 minutes away from here so I am familiar with the neighborhood but it has been a few years since I had visited the area (I will sometimes go “stalk” the home I came home from the hospital as a baby as it has new owners).
Cue the guitar riffs…
If you made it this far, thank you for sticking along with the randomness. It has been hard to keep my thoughts in any kind of order but I don’t want that to keep me from getting them out.
Things are not good in the world, ya’ll. But there is good in the world if you look.
Don’t let the world overwhelm you, find a way to contribute and make a difference.
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Yep “Things are not good in the world, ya’ll. But there is good in the world if you look.” I’ve experienced a lot of that in the past 6 weeks as messed up as things might be in a grander dimension. Beautiful knitting!
That colorwork yoke is stunning. Glad you are feeling better!
Thank you!
I love how many ways you are contributing and working hard to make the world better. And you have so many knitting projects going. I love the pattern and colors in your “Cohesive Shawl”. We have a million lady bugs at our house in Minnesota, but ours are actually Asian Beetles that are an invasive species. When we were preparing our house for new hardwood flooring / repainting in December, I found some of them inside a light switch plate when I took it off. And some of them got a ride to Arizona inside our RV.
Thank you, Meg. I hadn’t even thought about if the lady bug wasn’t a real one, I will have to look up if we get the invasive type here!