Privacy: 1. The state or quality of being free or apart from observation or company. 2. Freedom of unauthorized intrusion.
Welcome to the Privacy, GDPR (General Data Protection Act) and Cookies Policy for the Must Hike Must Eat website where I will attempt to explain how privacy works both during your time on the Must Hike Must Eat website and in correspondence with the website.
Privacy Policy for Must Hike Must Eat (
The only thing that is asked of you currently during your time on Must Hike Must Eat is that if you would be interested in subscribing to receive correspondence from the website, whether it be posts, recipes, trip reports or newsletters that you share your first name and your email. Your first name allows me to address you personally in that correspondence instead of saying things like “Reader” or “Adventurer”. Your email allows me to get that correspondence to you. That’s it.
Must Hike Must Eat does not allow access to anyone outside Must Hike Must Eat to use its email subscriber list, is kept on a secure server and runs several programs, such as Wordfence and Akismet, continually in order to protect the site from intrusion to keep your personal information and your time here safe. This website runs on WordPress with Jetpack, you can read about their privacy policies by clicking on their name. I also use Google Analytics and you can read about their privacy policy here.
Cookies: 1. A small sweet cake, typically small, flat and crisp. 2. A person of a specified kind; “she is one tough cookie.” 3. Small text files attached to your computer by an internet server to a browser, which is returned by the browser each time it subsequently accesses the same server, used to identify the user or track their access to the server.
An exception to the protection of intrusion on Must Hike Must Eat is something called “cookies”. Cookies are used almost universally on the internet to allow websites to provide a customized experience for users. Like how a website with a password like Facebook remembers you each time you log on from the same computer so you don’t have to sign in every time (unless you log off each time).
First Party Cookies used on Must Hike Must Eat come from the fact that it uses WordPress for content management and they attach cookies to your computer in order to remember you each time you visit Must Hike Must Eat, such as remembering you already “liked” a post or that you have commented before and won’t ask for your information again to do so. If you don’t want this to happen, you can refrain from sharing your personal information when liking or commenting on Must Hike Must Eat or turn off cookies in your browser.
Third Party Cookies happen on the site from connections with Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter or You Tube, for example. In order for these buttons to connect you “share” or “like” posts here, they will attach cookies to remember you. Also, because of my links with online shopping sites or other websites you go to from my website, they will most likely attach cookies. Clickable links may be displayed as a website URL like this: or as a titled text link like this: Thrive Market. It’s how that Twilight Zone thing happens when you click to look up coconut milk powder or a new headlamp and ads for those same things will show up on OTHER websites for the next week. Right? So, anytime you click on one of the many links for information shared on Must Hike Must Eat, know that cookies may be used by those websites to remember your visit.
If you are NOT interested in having any of these things happen (create more privacy while online), you can disable “cookies” in your browser’s settings. However, know that doing this does prevent some features on the websites you visit to not function as you would expect them to, including Must Hike Must Eat. You can usually find this feature on the right hand side of your browser tool bar under Settings and/or Advanced Settings.
This Privacy Policy is subject to changes so if your privacy is important to you, please check back to make sure that information shared matches a level of privacy you are comfortable with.
For more information about our privacy practices, if you have questions, or if you would like to make a complaint, please contact us by e-mail at
Editor’s note: speaking of cookies because I know you are totally jonesing for them now, these are my current fave. I might have to go get some now…