Jump to the recipe… Hiking and food are topics I can be known to rattle on about and my friends know they are a passion for me. On Valentine’s Day this year, I joined my favorite Meetup group for a snow shoe up to Artist Point at the Mt. Baker Ski Resort area. I greeted…
Marks of Passion: Your Tattoo Story
I have over 13.5k pins on my account over at Pinterest. Do you know the ONE pin out of ALL of them that is repinned by someone EVERY day? This one: No lie. This one comes in second for consistency of being pinned: I have been collecting pins for the design of my next tattoo, one I…
Chicken Coleslaw For The Trail
If asked what some of my favorite meals to eat while backpacking are, there are a few that naturally come to mind as ones that I would be willing to eat almost every day. Chicken Coleslaw For The Trail is a great, hearty meal for enjoying your vegetables while outdoors backpacking! #cabbage #kale #greenonion…
Sometimes, I can be SO stubborn. But I like the word persistent. A few weekends ago I headed up to the town of Marblemount on the Cascade Highway and set out to hike up to Cow Heaven. You can read more about this trail HERE. But the truth is, there is more to my adventure to tell. I…
Grain Free Pumpkin Spice Granola
When people ask me what I eat for breakfast (after I explain I do my best to avoid grains), my response is usually eggs and vegetables. Sometimes vegetables with bacon or chicken. But always vegetables. When I first made the decision to embark on a paleo lifestyle, I had to reevaluate what I ate for…
Must Hike Must Eat Pacific Northwest Eating Guide
Editor’s note 7/31/2024: This post and the PDF that goes with it have recently been updated since its original posting in 2016 and update in 2020. An essential part of my hike planning is what will I eat before and after my hike (thus the name of my blog). Although I follow a whole foods…