Jump to the recipe… Brussels sprouts are one of those things that most of us remember as hating in childhood. Like having to stay-at-the-table-until-you-finish-your-dinner kind of hating. It wasn’t until going paleo that I truly came to appreciate all the wonderful ways I could eat these little mini cabbages besides just steamed and doused in…
Carolyn Ravensong Burkhart
One of my favorite memories from our work party to Hart’s Pass in September will have to be meeting the first woman to hike the Pacific Crest Trail solo. Her trail name is Ravensong and she hiked the PCT in 1976. In fact, she finished exactly on my 6th birthday! She was one of 12…
Food Is Love
I attended a celebration of life ceremony yesterday for a coworker who passed away unexpectedly at the end of August. I came out of a weekend trail work party and received the message in a voicemail. Although she was 70, her death came at quite a shock and I am still trying to process the…
Bacon Trail Mix
Jump to the recipe… Ah, bacon. I’m not sure this recipe needs much selling but I figured I better write up a little bit. I did take all these pictures… Trail mixes are a staple of most any outdoor menu and there are a billion ways to put one together. Everyone has their favorite things…
Apple Pie A La Mode Apple Dip
Jump to the recipe… I first talked about this fun little dip that I made up last winter to eat with my apple slices on my snowshoe up to Sun Top Lookout by Mt. Rainier. Since then, it has been a go-to when I need some extra calories quick. This is an embellished version of the…
The storm of the century turned out to be all talk and media hype and not much action but heeding the call of safety I stayed close to home this weekend. I even brought in the garbage cans and picked the last of the raspberries in preparation. I made it out for a movie (can’t…