This is not an entirely new recipe for me but this weekend I tried a new version and I just have to share! I decided to try them with the garlic flavored olive oil from Trader Joe’s. OMG! These were so good, they didn’t even make it to the trail. It’s a good thing they…
A Wet Step Back In Time
Have you ever driven down the same road for 30 years and then one day you see the sign for something and think, “I’m going to check that out today”? This was one of those roads, one of those signs and one of those times. Check out my trip report from Lake Sylvia State Park and the 1.5…
Nightshade Free Marinara
Jump to the recipe… It’s been a rough week, mostly because my lovely bf has torn his meniscus. He was out on his “Course 2”, preparing to be a SAR (Search and Rescue) leader with a group of SAR trainees when he stepped wrong. The next thing you know, they are carrying him out on…
Good Food in The Methow Valley: Mazama Store
I was introduced to the Mazama Store during my first backpacking trip on the Pacific Crest Trail with the wonderful group of women from my church I mention here. I had never been to the town of Mazama, WA, in the Methow Valley and I was excited to see what this area was like. The…
How I Train for Hiking Season
So just how DO I train for hiking season? For someone who lives for stability and rituals, I really suck at routines. Say taking vitamins, for example. I am good for a few days but then it is hit or miss remembering to gag down those little capsules before heading out in the morning. I have…
Rain, Mud, and Logging History on Lord Hill
I could probably just write a whole post on how I am SO OVER ALL THIS RAIN. Enough! I left work early today and headed home debating trying to get on trail. It had been raining all day and the thought of fighting afternoon traffic to get to the outdoors for just an hour…