This is no longer available on the blog. I’ve been thinking about doing a guest post series for a while now and wanted to do something that would provide motivation to others. What offers more inspiration than hearing about someone’s first time experience with something and what it meant to them? It could be…
Let Me Introduce You To My Favorite Public Lands
This has to be the hardest Nature Writing Challenge prompt yet! Here it is just a few days from National Public Lands Day on September 22, 2018 and I trying to write about where would be my favorite place to introduce someone to public lands. As someone who spends quite a bit of time wandering on…
Guayaba Coco con Col Rizada Energy Balls
Jump to the recipe for Guayaba Coco con Col Rizada Energy Balls… There are many things I observed during my trip to the United Kingdom and I want to share one with you today. This is a picture of a fruit stand in London (Southwark to be more specific) that we passed several times walking…
The Great Outdoors Is Getting Crowded [infographic]
I was recently contacted by Dustin over at Slick and Twisted Trails and asked if I would share an infographic he made with you. If you were following me last year and read up on my North Coast Trail attempt, you know I blame credit him for how I ended up on the NCT in…
Where Morning Breaks
By writing this post, I know I am not telling the stories of my backpacking trip of the Grand Loop in Olympic National Park in order, but sometimes a moment in your trip stands out and it deserves to be told first. Elizabeth and I woke up early before the light of day and broke camp…
We Made It Home
Time sure flies when you are having fun. Here we are, two weeks later back at home and slowly recovering from jet lag. Somehow I thought the going to would be worse than the coming back but I am still waking up at odd hours and have a headache that won’t quite fade. All worth…