1/20/2025: I don’t see any new updates for 2025, you can find all the latest in the links below.
Updated 2/14/2024: Yep, dates at the bottom still apply and the lottery opens on February 15th, 2024 at 7:00 am PST and runs until February 29th at 11:59 PST. There will be changes for the walk-up permits, similar to the system used for the popular Wave in Arizona. Basically instead of having to be in-person at the ranger station, you will need to be within a one mile range of the station at the time they draw the permits using a “geofence” app. Read more about it here.
Updated 12/31/2022: The dates at the bottom are still relevant in 2023, please go to this page for all changes to the Enchantments permit process including walkups.
Updated 2/13/2021: Permits are required May 15-October 31st, 2021 to camp within the boundaries of the Alpine Lakes Wilderness area known as the Enchantments. The permit lottery opens February 15, 2021 at 7:00am (PST) and runs to March 1, 2021 at 11:59pm. Permits will be drawn March 8, 2021 at 1:55am (PST) and confirmed March 17th-31st. See official forest service website information below for more details.
Enchantments, Schmantments. Big deal. So you didn’t get a permit this year. Not very many people do.
Unless you plan on doing a thru hike and walk the entire trail in a day (grueling 18 miles), you are probably wondering how you will ever find anything as amazing as The Enchantments in the Alpine Lakes Wilderness to enjoy this summer.
Just kidding. Hopefully you know that Washington State is FULL of wonderful trails just as amazing as The Enchantments but without the hassle of a lottery, the crowds who have no idea what Leave No Trace is, and feeling like you are hanging out in theme park instead of enjoying a wilderness experience. Sure, it’s beautiful but it’s not the only game in town.
One such hike would be to Spade Lake in the Cle Elum area east of Snoqualmie Pass. It’s a little harder to get to than The Enchantments but with better odds that you will have it to yourself, it is totally worth it!
Other hikes you might try are Chain and Doelle Lakes, West Fork Foss River or Robin and Tuck Lakes. I hope this summer to check out Thunder Mountain Lakes or Tank Lakes. And if you were anywhere near the Enchantments in 2020, you know the crowds were insane, parking was a nightmare and there was nothing “wild” about this wilderness area. Some people reported being blocked in for hours after they returned to their car from their hike. Here is one person’s account on Facebook.
And for a little further drive, The Wallowa Mountains of Oregon offer some decent scenery too. Eagle Cap Wilderness is still one of my favorite backpacking trips.
BUT, if you have your heart set on the Enchantments, all is not lost. You have two options left to you.
- All those who received a permit have until March 31st to confirm them. If they don’t, those permits go back into the pool for others to claim as early as April 1st at 7:00am (PST). That could be you!
- They do reserve 30% of permits for walk-ups. Those permits are offered daily at the ranger station in Leavenworth and are given out lottery style starting May 15. Yes, you will be there with a bunch of other people hoping to get one. But, if you don’t, there are still PLENTY of hikes in the area to head out on where you won’t be disappointed. Horseshoe Lake, Icicle Ridge, the Lakeshore Trail and Lyman Lakes can all be found out of Leavenworth and Chelan.
It must be said, like most hikes in Washington State, even these alternates are seeing more and more people each year. This is when strategies like How To Avoid The Crowds on PNW Trails are even more important. Also, read up on LNT: Leave No Trace Seven Principles before heading out to lessen your own impact.
Did you hope to get Enchantment permits? Tell me what you Plan B is!
*For the most up-to-date information/closures/safety tips on the Enchantments, head over to the official Forest Service page. Reservations are taken at Recreation.gov. You can read about my trip to the Enchantments in 2015 and see some of its stunning scenery here. Permits are required May 15th through October 31st.
A few other posts I have written about popular hiking trails:
- Pacific Crest Trail
- How To Increase Your Odds of Getting Wonderland Trail Permits
- Eagle Cap Wilderness
- Lakeshore Trail
- North Coast Trail
- Havasupai Falls
- West Fork Foss River
- How To Hike The Index Town Wall
- How Not To Hike Manitou Springs Incline
- Wallace Falls State Park
- Grand Loop and Pacific Northwest Trail
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