Well, hello!
Or should I say hello again?
Either way, let’s chat.

January 6th marks the 7th anniversary (or blogiversary in blogging world) of this here blog, Must Hike Must Eat. Of course, in the last 7 years the blog has bloomed to more than 585 posts and 370 pages making it more of a website with a blog but who’s counting?
In the last two years all that blooming got a little heavy so last year I set it down and took some time to do other things. I talked about it on my 6th blogiversary in January of 2022 when I thought I just needed a few months off. Turns out I needed a lot more time than that.

I have been riding my bike (a lot), exploring other creative outlets like knitting and another blog focused on fiction, and just remembering what it felt like to just do things instead of doing things and having to write about those things for an audience. And soooooo much less time on social media.

But I do still love to talk about hiking and eating so I spent two weeks over winter break figuring out how to add the blog back in a more balanced way. The truth is, I never really stopped writing, creating recipes or thinking of things to write about. Posts were started and dabbled with but languished in draft version. It felt different to write well after the fact with no pressure to share. I was writing just for me.
The only exception to not finishing anything was a commitment I had to Washington Trail Association to write up the guide description for the Timberline Trail I hiked in 2021 so I proudly completed that behemoth in the spring of 2022!
So, my goal for 2023 is to get back into a routine. Maybe a couple posts a month and to update the Must Hike Must Eat eating out guide with all the yummy places I have eaten since 2021. I did a ton of fun things in the past two years that I can’t wait to share more about. From trips out of the Pacific Northwest to more exploration of places in my own backyard. So many stories. And maybe an injury or two…
Rockwall Trail

Goat Creek with my favorite hiking partner.

Wish me luck!
Thank you so much for stopping by Must Hike Must Eat!
If you need some healthy eating inspiration start here:..
Need some eating out suggestions when friends want to stop after a hike? I have a Pacific Northwest Eating Guide here.
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