As I lay in my tent around 2 am listening to the soft sounds of the wilderness outside its thin fabric, my mind imagined all sorts of scenarios. I knew I would be getting very little sleep tonight. The rustle of the branches touched by a soft wind and the coos of forest fowl nestled…
Category: Travel
How To Have A Two Day Weekend Getaway On The Cascade Scenic Loop Byway: Golden Larches, Good Food and Adult Time
As October (gasp!) and fall come around again, I am making plans for a weekend road trip on the Cascade Scenic Loop Byway similar to one we did this same time last year. And guess what, I haven’t shared that weekend with you yet! So, as I look forward to what possibilities could present themselves…
How My Public Lands Experience Has Changed As A White Racist
I know that some of you who read this post won’t understand what I am about to say. I’m okay with that. It wasn’t until this last year that even I have to come to understand the thoughts you are about to read. What is important is that I am expressing them now. “Though…
Who Is Your Favorite Hiker?
A few Fridays ago, on a grey and wet morning typical of the Pacific Northwest we all know and love, I received a phone call. I had just settled in at the dining room table in my sweats and slippers to write up some new résumés, when I heard my phone ring. Very few people…
Let Me Introduce You To My Favorite Public Lands
This has to be the hardest Nature Writing Challenge prompt yet! Here it is just a few days from National Public Lands Day on September 22, 2018 and I trying to write about where would be my favorite place to introduce someone to public lands. As someone who spends quite a bit of time wandering on…
The Great Outdoors Is Getting Crowded [infographic]
I was recently contacted by Dustin over at Slick and Twisted Trails and asked if I would share an infographic he made with you. If you were following me last year and read up on my North Coast Trail attempt, you know I blame credit him for how I ended up on the NCT in…