Have you ever had one of those moments you aren’t sure you can go forward and you most certainly can’t go back the way you came? On the first full day of our honeymoon trip to Arizona and Southern Utah, we got up in the morning and drove to the Paria Contact Station outside Grand…
Category: National Parks/Public Lands
Are You Open To Seeing Through A Different Lens?
As people who love public lands who want to do every thing we can to protect it, it can boggle the mind when we are faced with the reality that not everyone is standing up and carrying the battle as we are. How do others not see the same impending catastrophe that we do? The…
The Most Water I Have Ever Carried On A Hike
Thinking about my most memorable water experience on public lands reminds me of the time Elizabeth and I woke up at 4:15am knowing the day would test both our fortitude and quite possibly our friendship and donned our headlamps. We loaded our packs and headed down to the creek to fill up on water. After…
Lake Angeles: This Trail Had It All
If you are thinking that this post is going to about a trail with majestic views, lakeshore property, solitude and wildflowers, I’m sorry (not sorry) to mislead you. I just have to share about a hike we did this January within the Olympic National Park that somehow had more than its share of hot topics…
That One Time I Walked 424.83 Miles To A National Park
It’s Thursday so it must be time for another #NatureWritingChallenge! Today’s prompt is “a most memorable entrance to a national park” and this has to be it (with Mount Rushmore somewhere in second behind it). On my section hike of the Pacific Crest Trail when I started at the Oregon/Washington border and walked north to…
America’s First National Monument
If I had to pick my absolute favorite national monument, it would have to be America’s first National Monument, Devil’s Tower. As an adult, I plan all my road trips (or any trip in the States for that matter) around how many national parks and monuments I can cram in. When my mom and I…