This post was originally published on January 9, 2016. Yesterday as I was out on a walk at lunch, I was reminded of one of the reasons I love to hike. One of the reasons I must hike. The trail I usually walk at lunch is next to the Skykomish River and the storms…
Category: Social Commentary
3 Experiences I Hope To Have On Public Lands in 2019
It is 2019 and time to look forward to what I want to get out of my time outdoors and on public lands this shiny new year. The older and hopefully wiser I get with each passing year, taking time to make a list and plan out where I long to go and what I…
Maybe We Need A Few More Tourists On Public Lands
This week’s topic for the #NatureWritingChallenge is a memorable rainy or snowy day on public lands and the truth is that I could write volumes on this topic. I live in the Pacific Northwest, right? Most of my memorable experiences on public lands are in the rain or snow. That’s all we get around here. …
The Best Reason To #OptOutside on Public Lands On Black Friday
I can think of a billion reasons to #OptOutside the day after Thanksgiving. In fact, I can think of quite a few reasons to #OptOutside for Thanksgiving. And I have done so quite a few times in recent years. This week’s #NatureWritingChallenge topic is all about why we should #OptOutside on public lands and the…
Dear Santa, I’ve Been Really Good This Year (My Wish-list For The Pacific Crest Trail)
Dear Santa, I hope it isn’t too soon to be writing out my Christmas wish-list but see, there is this Nature Writing Challenge thing and this week’s theme is “Your wish-list for Public Lands” and you seemed like the perfect person to share my wish-list with. You the professional procurer of wish-lists and all. Santa,…
The Internet Is Shrinking The World One Friendship At A Time
Social media and the online world make pretty easy targets these days. Blamed for all kinds of social ills and quite a few of the world’s problems or at least it seems. It is true that it can be overwhelming and impersonal, often displacing face-to-face interaction with our neighbor next door but I am here…