Friends. What would we do without them? One of my resolutions over the last few years has been to make more time for my friends, both old and new. This can mean having to find a balance between my friends that hike, and well, my friends that don’t. I was able to get out for…
Category: Motivation
The Definition of Courage
Editor’s note: My pastor has asked me to talk at church in a few weeks and I’m finding it hard to write for here until I finish that. So, I thought I would post something that I wrote for a women’s group a few months after I completed the Washington section of the Pacific Crest…
“Do not seek to change what has come before. Seek to create that which has not.” –David Airey Today marked 100 of work days left at my current position. I usually do a count down this time of year as I look toward my summer adventures but this year is bittersweet. Starting two years…
Maple Coconut Plantain Porridge: Identity in a Jar
I had a moment of realization this morning as I rushed around the house trying to get out the door in order to make it to work on time that I am no longer a “Busy Mom”. That is to say, I can no longer blame any tardiness on my child now that he has…
How Do You Handle Stress?
What are some of your favorite ways to handle stress? I think everyone has a few activities they rely on to get them through the tough times of life. These are my top three to help me keep myself sane! Hiking (or walking) When I can hike, I handle stress in walking meditation… …