I just realized I never really did a blog post on my section hike of the Oregon PCT this summer. I did write up my trip report over on Trail Journals but I thought I would put a little synopsis down here, along with some videos I took. I can sum up this trip in…
Category: Hikes and Stories
Ups and Downs
So I am back to work and I am really feeling the slow down of sitting at a desk and not being connected with nature. Sure, I am getting out on the weekends (and the disarray in my house testifies to that) but this is when I really get to missing those long walks in…
Signs of Change
I have just returned from yet another work party on the PCT, this one up at Hart’s Pass in the North Cascades. This is really beginning to be a thing! It is no exaggeration when I say this area is my favorite place on the whole PCT. I have now been up here 4 times now;…
Daily Prompt: Hike
via Daily Prompt: Hike How very interesting that today when I logged on to WordPress that the Daily Prompt is the word Hike. Every day they post a word to inspire you to write and folks post their blogs with what came to mind. Hmmm… I don’t think I have very many thoughts that don’t…
PCT Days 2016
I had SO much fun carpooling with my friend Rudy over at North Cascade Hiker down to PCT Days in August! We both signed up to volunteer at the ALDHA West information booth for one day, leaving us the rest of the weekend to walk around and join in the festivities. My friends Jay and…
Up, Down, and Out: Eagle Cap Pt. 4
Up, Down, and Out: Eagle Cap Pt. 4 is the final story of our backpacking trip in Eagle Cap Wilderness of The Wallowas of Oregon in 2016. The Clouds Clear At Mirror Lake At around 1 am I woke up and peered out of my tent to see if there was any change in…