By writing this post, I know I am not telling the stories of my backpacking trip of the Grand Loop in Olympic National Park in order, but sometimes a moment in your trip stands out and it deserves to be told first. Elizabeth and I woke up early before the light of day and broke camp…
Category: Hikes and Stories
Reaching New Heights
Last month I had a chance to take my friend Elle up the old trail to West and Middle Beckler Peak, a decommissioned route I first told you about in my post, One of Those Days. In that story, I talked about how I had almost been able to scramble up to the middle (sub)…
I’ll Be Your Huckleberry!
Who is just loving all the huckleberries (wild blueberries) on the trail right now?? Last week on a hike to Squire Creek Pass, the berries were everywhere! You might remember this area, I wrote about attempting this pass from the old trail on the other side in June and was turned back by snow and…
The National Parks: America’s Best Idea
In July, before heading off to Canada for some trail work and hiking, I stopped by the library quickly to pick up some Great Britain travel books (yes, books!) and slipped a few books-on-CD into the car to listen to on my way north. One of the sets I chose was a book called The…
I’ve Got A Lot Of Writing To Do
I’ve got a lot of writing to do. This last month has been filled with outdoor adventures and other experiences and my head is swirling with a plethora of memories and thoughts. Every time I have sat down to share them with you I have found myself staring at the screen or easily distracted away…
Are You A Crack(ed) Pot, Too?
The world is full of an abundance of perfect people. You only need to spend a few minutes on Instagram to have this confirmed. It can often leave you feeling as if you are not enough or don’t measure up. I think about this a lot when I am out enjoy nature, whether I’m hiking…