This week’s topic for the #NatureWritingChallenge is a memorable rainy or snowy day on public lands and the truth is that I could write volumes on this topic. I live in the Pacific Northwest, right? Most of my memorable experiences on public lands are in the rain or snow. That’s all we get around here. …
Category: Random And Wild
You Just Never Know Who You Might Meet On Public Lands
This week’s topic for the #NatureWritingChallenge really had me thinking! “Your most memorable encounter with a stranger on public lands” should have been easy because we meet new-to-us people ALL the time while out on public lands. It is inevitable that we run into people we don’t know, even when we are trying to escape…
Three Reasons I Would Have Daylight Saving All Year Round
Now, don’t get me wrong. An extra hour of sleep tomorrow is going to be nice. But I’m pretty sure I will not be the only one mourning the loss of daylight in the evening that happens this time of year with the end of Daylight Saving Time. Daylight Saving was instituted so that we…
The Internet Is Shrinking The World One Friendship At A Time
Social media and the online world make pretty easy targets these days. Blamed for all kinds of social ills and quite a few of the world’s problems or at least it seems. It is true that it can be overwhelming and impersonal, often displacing face-to-face interaction with our neighbor next door but I am here…
Four Easy Ways You Can Support Must Hike Must Eat
There never seems to be enough love in the world, have you noticed that? Have I told you lately how much I love you? I was thinking the other day about how much I appreciate everyone who visits the blog (actually, I think about it all the time). You might not know it but…
Who Is Your Favorite Hiker?
A few Fridays ago, on a grey and wet morning typical of the Pacific Northwest we all know and love, I received a phone call. I had just settled in at the dining room table in my sweats and slippers to write up some new résumés, when I heard my phone ring. Very few people…