Social media and the online world make pretty easy targets these days. Blamed for all kinds of social ills and quite a few of the world’s problems or at least it seems. It is true that it can be overwhelming and impersonal, often displacing face-to-face interaction with our neighbor next door but I am here…
Category: Random And Wild
Four Easy Ways You Can Support Must Hike Must Eat
There never seems to be enough love in the world, have you noticed that? Have I told you lately how much I love you? I was thinking the other day about how much I appreciate everyone who visits the blog (actually, I think about it all the time). You might not know it but…
Who Is Your Favorite Hiker?
A few Fridays ago, on a grey and wet morning typical of the Pacific Northwest we all know and love, I received a phone call. I had just settled in at the dining room table in my sweats and slippers to write up some new résumés, when I heard my phone ring. Very few people…
You Never Forget Your First Time: Guest Post Opportunity
This is no longer available on the blog. I’ve been thinking about doing a guest post series for a while now and wanted to do something that would provide motivation to others. What offers more inspiration than hearing about someone’s first time experience with something and what it meant to them? It could be…
We Made It Home
Time sure flies when you are having fun. Here we are, two weeks later back at home and slowly recovering from jet lag. Somehow I thought the going to would be worse than the coming back but I am still waking up at odd hours and have a headache that won’t quite fade. All worth…
In Search of Castles
At the beginning of this summer when I quit my job, I had several goals on my mind when I looked towards the summer and what I wanted to do with my time (besides hiking, of course). One of those goals revolved around my son, Mitchell. I haven’t talked much about here on the blog…