I’ve been thinking about this sentence a lot lately. Or rather, it popped into my head last week and I can’t stop thinking about it. If I died today, did I live a good life? What exactly would I be leaving behind? When someone dies, we often will say, “She had a good life.” Maybe,…
Category: Random And Wild
What The World Needs Now Is Deep Kindness
As some of you know, I work in a middle school in the same town I live in. I am what is called a Student Support Advocate and basically I have a role similar to a social worker or navigator and make sure students have the resources they need to be successful in their education….
Things I Know For Sure
I read a post by Amelia over at You Can Always Start Now about the things she knows for sure. Her inspiration came from Oprah’s book and it got me thinking to myself about the things that I know for sure. Then, I read another post by Susie over at Susie’s Wild Ride about branding…
The Power of Resiliency: Hope Overcoming Fear
I have a little note card taped to my desk at work with a quote from Nelson (Rolihlahla) Mandela that I am leaning on more and more these days: I received this card at a workshop on resiliency a few years ago and it struck a chord with me. Something about that quote…
Do You Have A Favorite Outdoor Brain Worm?
In a post I wrote last year, Maybe We Need A Few More Tourists on Public Lands, I mentioned hiking behind a young couple in bright yellow rainsuits who spontaneously began singing in a joy filled moment along the Spruce Trail in the Hoh Rainforest in Olympic National Park. Have you ever had that happen…
How To Hike with Others (And Love It)
This post was originally shared on November 21, 2016. A post of this kind has been brewing in my head for a while now and after reading something infuriating this last week, I decided to put it to words. If you came here just to learn how to hike with others, you may need…