I attended a celebration of life ceremony yesterday for a coworker who passed away unexpectedly at the end of August. I came out of a weekend trail work party and received the message in a voicemail. Although she was 70, her death came at quite a shock and I am still trying to process the…
Category: Random And Wild
The storm of the century turned out to be all talk and media hype and not much action but heeding the call of safety I stayed close to home this weekend. I even brought in the garbage cans and picked the last of the raspberries in preparation. I made it out for a movie (can’t…
So Much For Empty Nest
My first free weekend to get in a good hike in a long time and the weather bites. I know I should be looking on the positive side, my list of house chores is long. All this time to work on my blog. Work on a new recipe. Finish up old recipes. The bf is…
Ups and Downs
So I am back to work and I am really feeling the slow down of sitting at a desk and not being connected with nature. Sure, I am getting out on the weekends (and the disarray in my house testifies to that) but this is when I really get to missing those long walks in…
Half Way Through Summer
It’s hard to believe it is already the end of July! As I start to fill in my hiking adventures (and mishaps) here on my blog, mixed in with a few recipes and trail food ideas, I’ll also fill you in on how my job search is going (or as I loving call it: How My Job Search…
We Are All In This Together
I have to admit, most of the time when I go out into the wilderness, I do not want to come back. Back to reality. Back to the drama raging in our world. Sometimes I come back to find out someone famous has died of a drug overdose. Yet another bombing. Sometimes I come back to…