Jump to the recipe… My Pumpkin Spice Granola is not only gluten and dairy free, it has a LOT more nutrition than your average package of instant oatmeal and will keep you full all morning long. As promised, here is part two of my pumpkin spice porridge and granola redux with the granola version of…
Category: Paleo
Pumpkin Spice Porridge
Jump to the recipe… One of my first recipes published here was for my very favorite breakfast on the trail, Grain Free Pumpkin Spice Granola. That recipe had two parts, a pumpkin spice porridge and dehydrating it to make a granola. The problem is, when I started this blog I wasn’t using the custom recipe…
Hickory Smoke Larabars
Jump to the recipe… Back in the spring, I scored some Kind bars at my local Grocery Outlet store (THE best place to find trail snacks for cheap when you don’t have time to make them). Rather than go for the fruity ones (most had peanuts) I decided to try the Strong & Kind Hickory…
Cheesy Emoticon Crackers
Jump to the recipe… Summer may still have a few more days on the calendar but once you hit September it might as well be over. Both depressing and exciting at the same time. Despite the fact that it was only 5 months ago I was still snowshoeing, I’m ready to be done with slugging up…
Huckleberry Scones and the Backpacking Test
Jump to the recipe… The July 4th weekend of 2016 will go down in history (my relationship history, anyway) as the “Backpacking Test.” Duh, duh, duhhhhhh. Last summer I took a guy on a backpacking trip and he completely ghosted me afterwards (I know, hard to believe). My friends and I started saying that whoever I dated…
Paleo (Bean Liberated) Hummus
Jump to the recipe… Well, my first week of being unemployed feels just like the beginning of the last 15 summers: like vacation. Except for the daunting task of applying for unemployment part. And the resume and cover letter writing and scanning transcripts part. And the figuring-out-what-I-want-to-do-for-a-job part. And health insurance. Hmmm, I guess it’s not…