Last Friday I wanted to revisit another familiar but long ago enjoyed hike so when the forecast called for a large amount of snow coming I knew that I only had one chance to check on Beckler Peak before snow closed the road until late spring. If you have been around for awhile, you know…
Category: DIY and How To
2023: General Life And Knitting Highlights
So when I went to start collecting highlight photos for 2023, I ended up with 418. Way too much for one post! So my year will be broken up into two posts: one a mostly indoor and knitting life post and the other will be the outdoorsy adventure life. The last year or so (maybe…
How To Make A Gelatin Egg
Back in 2020 I posted a recipe Egg Fried Cauliflower Rice, Glass Butte And The Painted Hills of Oregon where I talk about how to substitute a gelatin egg if you are not eating eggs. I though I would show you the steps I took in making the gelatin egg and how easy it is to…
Have You Been Razor Clamming On Washington Coast Beaches?
One of my favorite things to do is to go razor clamming on the Washington Coast! The razor clam is a highly sought after mollusk by those in the know in the Pacific Northwest. You will see people lined up for miles along the water’s edge on a nice clamming day. The razor clam is…
NWAC Has A New App Just In Time For Winter Recreation
The snow forecasts are starting to come in and the pow is piling up in the Cascades of Washington State. But do you know how to prepare to recreate safely, whether snowshoeing or cross country skiing, when winter blankets the mountains? It is time to check out the new app by the Northwest Avalanche Center….
If You Don’t Have A Postal Scale, What Are You Doing With Your Life?
Back in 2013 I purchased a postal scale, a suggestion I found in one of the most helpful backpacking books: Ultralight Backpacking Tips by Mike Clelland. Its purpose was to be able to compare the weights of what you put in your backpack so as to get down to the lightest possible weight for you….