One of my favorite movies is the one by Tom Hanks, Castaway. What I love about this movie is the idea that we think we know how our life should go. We have a driving force behind our motivation to keep on going but it turns out that we are meant for a different path. Possibly…
Author: Shannon Leader
Go Cocoa In The Wild
I had the joy of experiencing 4 days off this last weekend and although I was able to get in 3 days of hiking and snowshoeing, I have to say the weather was miserable. Thank goodness I was born here in the PNW and we learn early that you can’t wait for perfect weather days…
I Prepare for Failure: The Ten Essentials
If you operate heavy machinery while mixing medications, don’t usually wear your seat belt or life jacket, and enjoy using the hair dryer while lounging in the bathtub, this post is NOT for you. This last Friday I left work around noon and headed up Highway 2 for a few short hikes now that the day…
The Perfect Date
Do you remember your first or favorite date? I still remember mine… The best date I have ever had was on a spring break trip to Arizona with my mom a few years ago. We found them in a flea market outside of Phoenix. They were so good, I bought a 5lb box even though…
Take a Load Off
When someone asks me how I started to lighten my pack and change my backpacking game, the very first thing I tell them is… …go and buy the book found at this blog: Ultralight Backpacking Tips. You can also go to the library like I did, read it ferociously, glean as much as possible and then…
Capered Cauliflower Salad
Don’t you hate it when you click on a link to a recipe and you have to scroll through paragraphs of Blah, Blah, Blah to see the ingredients to know if you even want to make it? Me, too! Not here, I say. #cauliflower #capers #oregano #avocado oil #salt #pepper I have to admit…