Do you remember your first or favorite date? I still remember mine… The best date I have ever had was on a spring break trip to Arizona with my mom a few years ago. We found them in a flea market outside of Phoenix. They were so good, I bought a 5lb box even though…
Author: Shannon Leader
Take a Load Off
When someone asks me how I started to lighten my pack and change my backpacking game, the very first thing I tell them is… …go and buy the book found at this blog: Ultralight Backpacking Tips. You can also go to the library like I did, read it ferociously, glean as much as possible and then…
Capered Cauliflower Salad
Don’t you hate it when you click on a link to a recipe and you have to scroll through paragraphs of Blah, Blah, Blah to see the ingredients to know if you even want to make it? Me, too! Not here, I say. #cauliflower #capers #oregano #avocado oil #salt #pepper I have to admit…
Do You Meetup?
Friends. What would we do without them? One of my resolutions over the last few years has been to make more time for my friends, both old and new. This can mean having to find a balance between my friends that hike, and well, my friends that don’t. I was able to get out for…
The Definition of Courage
Editor’s note: My pastor has asked me to talk at church in a few weeks and I’m finding it hard to write for here until I finish that. So, I thought I would post something that I wrote for a women’s group a few months after I completed the Washington section of the Pacific Crest…
Twice Baked Nori
Seaweed is supposed to be good for you, I’m told. Omegas and micronutrients are the word. In an effort to eat more vegetables on trail, I came up with a way to sneak in some sea veggies. Now, plain seaweed simply is not appetizing after a long day’s hike. I was determined so I found this…