Editor’s note: My pastor has asked me to talk at church in a few weeks and I’m finding it hard to write for here until I finish that. So, I thought I would post something that I wrote for a women’s group a few months after I completed the Washington section of the Pacific Crest…
Author: Shannon Leader
Twice Baked Nori
Seaweed is supposed to be good for you, I’m told. Omegas and micronutrients are the word. In an effort to eat more vegetables on trail, I came up with a way to sneak in some sea veggies. Now, plain seaweed simply is not appetizing after a long day’s hike. I was determined so I found this…
“Do not seek to change what has come before. Seek to create that which has not.” –David Airey Today marked 100 of work days left at my current position. I usually do a count down this time of year as I look toward my summer adventures but this year is bittersweet. Starting two years…
How To Make Your Own Trail Map Storage Case
Yesterday I had an urge to do a little shopping and it was going to take either gear or chocolate to satisfy. Since I already had a stash of chocolate in the pantry and some gear on my shopping list, I felt safe in rationalizing a trip out to REI. Over the last few weeks of hiking…
Maple Coconut Plantain Porridge: Identity in a Jar
I had a moment of realization this morning as I rushed around the house trying to get out the door in order to make it to work on time that I am no longer a “Busy Mom”. That is to say, I can no longer blame any tardiness on my child now that he has…
How I Earned My Trail Name
I know you are all dying to know about Snuffy. Who’s Snuffy? What’s a Snuffy? A person is not likely to make it to their mid-forties without a least one nickname. I don’t remember having one as a child (though my 5 younger siblings may have had one for me I don’t know about) but…