Jump to the recipe… I am almost embarrassed to admit this recipe as been waiting here in the cue for a whole YEAR. Why? Because after I made it several times, loved it, took pictures and all that jazz, the lightbulb went off and I realized I should have added one more ingredient to make…
Author: Shannon Leader
Nature: Scripture Without Words
No matter your religion or absence there of, many of us consider our time in nature to be a spiritual experience. The outdoors represents a place where we feel most connected to something or someone beyond ourselves. It is where I feel closest to God and where life is at its simplest. I know I…
Oven Baked Walnuts with Homemade Ranch Seasoning
Jump to the recipe… Earlier this month my family celebrated our February birthdays (4 of them) at our new favorite restaurant in Seattle and I was trying to think of something tasty but sugar-free to go with the gifts I had for my sisters-in-law. I’m not competitive (much) and I enjoy making homemade treats for…
Lake Angeles: This Trail Had It All
If you are thinking that this post is going to about a trail with majestic views, lakeshore property, solitude and wildflowers, I’m sorry (not sorry) to mislead you. I just have to share about a hike we did this January within the Olympic National Park that somehow had more than its share of hot topics…
That One Time I Walked 424.83 Miles To A National Park
It’s Thursday so it must be time for another #NatureWritingChallenge! Today’s prompt is “a most memorable entrance to a national park” and this has to be it (with Mount Rushmore somewhere in second behind it). On my section hike of the Pacific Crest Trail when I started at the Oregon/Washington border and walked north to…
Have You Been To An ALDHA West Ruck Yet?
At the end of last February, I ventured down to the ALDHA West Cascade Ruck at the urgence of my friend, Tim, who used to sit on the board for the organization. I had been meaning to go for a few years but after becoming a member at PCT Days, it seemed to make sense…