If you are thinking that this post is going to about a trail with majestic views, lakeshore property, solitude and wildflowers, I’m sorry (not sorry) to mislead you. I just have to share about a hike we did this January within the Olympic National Park that somehow had more than its share of hot topics…
Author: Shannon Leader
That One Time I Walked 424.83 Miles To A National Park
It’s Thursday so it must be time for another #NatureWritingChallenge! Today’s prompt is “a most memorable entrance to a national park” and this has to be it (with Mount Rushmore somewhere in second behind it). On my section hike of the Pacific Crest Trail when I started at the Oregon/Washington border and walked north to…
Have You Been To An ALDHA West Ruck Yet?
At the end of last February, I ventured down to the ALDHA West Cascade Ruck at the urgence of my friend, Tim, who used to sit on the board for the organization. I had been meaning to go for a few years but after becoming a member at PCT Days, it seemed to make sense…
Paleo Fat Tuesday Pancakes and How I Hit The Reset Button On Life
Do you have a reset button? A routine that helps you stop all the madness and take stock of your life? Slow down the crazy train… If you have been with me for awhile, you know that this time of year is when I manually press the reset button by making a big batch of…
America’s First National Monument
If I had to pick my absolute favorite national monument, it would have to be America’s first National Monument, Devil’s Tower. As an adult, I plan all my road trips (or any trip in the States for that matter) around how many national parks and monuments I can cram in. When my mom and I…
Love Yourself With Collagen Valentine Gummies
Jump to the recipe… Okay, so this might be stretching it on the hiking or backpacking food, but these are definitely one of my favorite treats and it’s my blog so I’m going to share. Besides, collagen is good for the joints and what hiker doesn’t need to take care of those? I’ve been making…