I can think of a billion reasons to #OptOutside the day after Thanksgiving. In fact, I can think of quite a few reasons to #OptOutside for Thanksgiving. And I have done so quite a few times in recent years. This week’s #NatureWritingChallenge topic is all about why we should #OptOutside on public lands and the…
Author: Shannon Leader
Yes, You Can Eat Paleo While In The UK (But You Might Not Want To)
I know you are all wondering if I was able to eat paleo while in the UK. Well, I’m hear to tell you that it is completely possible to do so. Although I was not able to visit any paleo specific restaurants on my trip, the country was covered with places eager to serve you…
You Just Never Know Who You Might Meet On Public Lands
This week’s topic for the #NatureWritingChallenge really had me thinking! “Your most memorable encounter with a stranger on public lands” should have been easy because we meet new-to-us people ALL the time while out on public lands. It is inevitable that we run into people we don’t know, even when we are trying to escape…
10 Healthy Online Backpacking Meal Resources You Have To Try
Are you looking for healthy whole foods backpacking meals you can buy online without having to dehydrate or cook them yourself at home? For a variety of reasons, such as a lack of time or preparation, we may find ourselves turning to prepackaged meals ready to throw in our packs so we can get outdoors…
Three Reasons I Would Have Daylight Saving All Year Round
Now, don’t get me wrong. An extra hour of sleep tomorrow is going to be nice. But I’m pretty sure I will not be the only one mourning the loss of daylight in the evening that happens this time of year with the end of Daylight Saving Time. Daylight Saving was instituted so that we…
Dear Santa, I’ve Been Really Good This Year (My Wish-list For The Pacific Crest Trail)
Dear Santa, I hope it isn’t too soon to be writing out my Christmas wish-list but see, there is this Nature Writing Challenge thing and this week’s theme is “Your wish-list for Public Lands” and you seemed like the perfect person to share my wish-list with. You the professional procurer of wish-lists and all. Santa,…